Ah, the holidays! The warm glow of the Christmas tree lights up your evening. Festive, shiny decorations fill every surface of your home. Then, you face the dreaded tear-down process... There is a little sadness to putting it all away, but what I think many people neglect to think about is that there are still great ways to *decorate* through the winter months. With many years decorating showrooms and window displays, I’ve learned a few tricks to help *ease* out of the holiday season. Check them out below: 1.Glitz. Silver & Gold. This is a great color scheme to carry you through the New Year & the remainder of a wintery January. So bring out (or leave out) the crystal, silver bowls, etc. 2.Keep the red. No, sorry, the Santas need to go…but look at your decorations, and find items that don’t scream *Christmas* & repurpose them. For example, maybe you have red roses, red lanterns, candles, candle-holders, tray/bowls etc. Red is a very warm color. So, visually...