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Why hire a designer…I mean, I’m awesome at decorating my own home!...(right?)

As we should, women take pride in their home. And who knows how to decorate it better than you right?! Exactly. (you can relax & breathe - we agree - {smiles}) 
I think the biggest misconception about designers is that we come in and push *our* vision in *your* space…while that may be true of some, it simply is not the case for us. We *get it*. It is not an “all or nothing” thing for us. We help you with as much or *as little* design as YOU want. We value what you, the homeowner, have learned through watching your favorite design shows, reading magazines, and viewed online, you may even have a natural eye for design! But let’s face it….have there been times you feel like a room doesn’t have a *finished look*? You’ve probably struggled with finding the perfect paint color. These factors have nothing to do with you personally being bad at decorating your home…it just means that, maybe you can use a *little* help in certain areas.  And there is nothing wrong with that. It doesn’t mean you have lost control of taking care of your home…it doesn’t mean that you don’t have an eye for creativity and design…there is nothing shameful in getting help!
Designers have education and experience that the average homeowner may lack. We’ve gone to school and studied the fundamentals and history of design. We have problem solved and been in countless homes. So, while some design dilemmas may be annoying to some people, a designer likely enjoys and can offer easy advice.
The best analogy I can think of is when you go to a restaurant and look at the menu…the chef doesn’t come out and tell you what to order…rather, they display everything for you to choose. It is still your selection. You may even choose to customize that choice but the chef knows the secret ingredients that will please your senses and bring you back for a delightful experience.
We save you time, money, and possibly frustration, as we bring full selections to your home all in one visit! You can select paint colors, window treatments, art, framing, and receive advice *should you want it* (Hold the onions! haha). We are your in-home shop!
We welcome working with the DYI-er. We offer affordable pricing – by the hour…to help you in areas you need help with. It is different for everyone. Some of my clients want to walk me through their home and ask me questions about each room. Some people want me to help them find clues throughout their home to identify what style they are so they know how to better shop for things that go together. Some people are intimidated by art and need help getting things up on their walls. Some people need me to help them with new furniture layouts. Or just rearrange what they have for a fresh room. Some prefer me to do an entire room from start to finish. Whatever the degree, this is what I’m here for. There is something really *custom* and *fun* about having a designer come in and see things from a fresh perspective and we’ll even let you take the credit for it when you have people over! (wink!)


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